We regularly inform you about the dangers of computer systems. Regular updates, optimal security of your devices, different passwords for each platform, so many tips to avoid phishing attacks. But do you really know what these attacks are? Six of them have been identified by the renowned security systems development company, Trend Micro.
Would you like to find out? Follow the guide …
The first method, called spear phishing, consists in receiving sensitive information from a person or a small group of people through an email, like a harpoon hooked on its fish. Alerting you of a malfunction in your computer system, you will have to click on a link to counter this threat. Don’t be fooled, this is a scam!
Whaling is more precise than spear phishing since this method only targets CEOs and company directors. To convince the target to follow the link in the email, hackers use perfectly crafted stratagems (lawsuits, for example) that would leave the user no other choice but to click on the link. Once the page is opened, sensitive information is requested and the machine starts working. So be careful not to follow up on these requests!
Unfortunately, it doesn’t stop there. As SMS are more current, hackers prefer to use short texts in these messages. A simple click on the link is enough for the malicious person to have access to all your data. So beware of all the communication channels you use!
Vishing is different from other types of phishing. Remember the calls from Microsoft. Hackers ask for your credit card information to transfer money to accounts they have. Vishing can be done in phone calls or through voicemails. Don’t be fooled by the hacker’s sweet voice, he will not hesitate to use it to his advantage!
Without a doubt the hackers’ favorite, email phishing is used through a message alerting you that your account has been corrupted or that they have a compromising video of you. This technique creates a sense of urgency and stress. You have to react quickly! Click on the link! It is too late… You have just given them access to all your data. So be careful about the relevance of the source and the content of the French used.
Last but not least is the search engine phishing or Trojan horse. Thoughtful and extremely well crafted, the Trojan horse is not always easy to detect. Its goal is simple, to become the first Google search result and hack your system once you click on the link. Simple, fast and effective, this method is nonetheless impossible to detect. Make sure that the “https” is present before the URLs!
As you can see, hackers are not lacking in originality in their hacking techniques. Although they are not always easy to detect, every detail of an email, a text message or a URL must be taken into account to circumvent the attack.
According to the ABBL (Association des Banques et Banquiers, Luxembourg), the health crisis we are currently experiencing is a godsend for hackers, and hacking attempts are on the rise. Through calls such as Microsoft or malicious emails from Netflix or Amazon Prime, they try to provoke actions in the victims in order to extract sensitive information (bank data).
Caution is advised !
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