Today, even more than before, companies are choosing to enroll their employees in a mobility strategy in order to benefit from the many advantages of the digital environment.
To do this, companies can rely on the many digital tools that enable them to transport information to where employees are, as well as on technological advances (improved connection speed, lower costs,…).
However, because of the mass of data that can be accessed anywhere, and so that this does not hinder business activity, it is important to ensure optimal protection of all devices used and information that circulate on them.
The Cloud is proving to be an interesting solution to move forward in the mobility strategy thanks to access, at any time, from any device and in any place, to a virtual desktop taking over the classic professional environment. All this while ensuring optimal data protection (similar to that present in the office) thanks to various mechanisms such as strong authentication, encryption, backups, tracking and erasure software, monitoring,…
A mobility strategy will be successful provided that collaboration between employees and/or with any third parties (customer, partner, supplier,…) is possible.
Therefore, it is essential that all employees have at their disposal secure tools enabling them to have immediate access to company documents, to process them, and to share them with anyone concerned. This can be done at any time and from any device.
However, using multiple tools to manage and generate information will create a mass of information to process, classify,… making work organisation counter-productive. As a result, without efficient tools that centralise documents and ensure their transmission, securely and easily, the established mobility strategy is doomed to failure.
For our part, we recommend the use of two tools to facilitate collaboration, namely Microsoft Teams and R-Files (based on Citrix Content Collaboration).
Mobility strategy also involves access to optimized communication. It is indeed essential that everyone can keep in touch with their colleagues, and remain reachable for the outside world (customers, suppliers, partners,…) in all circumstances. This is possible thanks to VoIP, as well as unified communication, which allow to call, keeping the office number, whatever the location and the device used.
As a result of nomadic behavior which is only increasing at the present time, we are faced with a real ubiquitous and exponential threat of loss, theft, compromise of material and/or information contained therein (8 out of 10 companies are affected by cyber-attacks every year). Therefore, companies must follow an common objective, which is to have a level of security externally similar to that of internal IT.
Today, it is no longer sufficient to protect yourself against the loss or theft of equipment (laptop, tablet, smartphone,…). We must also be aware that all mobile devices are vulnerable to malicious content present, for example, in emails or on websites. Keep in mind that currently, most attacks come from bad manipulation by users (intentional or not). To remedy this problem, tools exist to create a campaign to analyze the level of maturity of users in relation to IT risks, and subsequently, to raise awareness of good practices through training.
Finally, a global solution for managing mobile devices is more than recommended. This, in order to set up, within a central portal, a segregation of data and emails (private life versus professional life), to manage devices, applications, as well as their updates, and to benefit from antivirus and anti-ransomware. In short, have a single security strategy for all mobile devices (and even fixed!).
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